Monday, October 15, 2012

The Beginning and The End

We all know how important family is to our health and well-being.  It connects us, grounds us, lifts us up and shakes us to the core. 

I read recently that family are there in the beginning and family are there in the end.   What a statement!

We had an extended family weekend and it was a photo album of moments.  Four generations gathered and shared food, laughs, tears and jokes. 

Again my story starts with my 85 year old Father telling a joke.  He has impeccable timing and tells the joke with such rhythm and depth it had all of us sharing a great moment of admiration and respect.  Seems funny when he was just telling a joke but it was the pinnacle of the event. 

His two nieces who have already lost their Dad (his brother) were totally engrossed in every word.  Lapping up all his facial expressions and words as a reminder of their Dad who resembled mine in both looks and mannerisms.  It was their chance to capture another moment with him even though he is gone.  So interesting to watch and enjoy.

Also as the food and wine was consumed I noticed that we start to see the family personalities emerge.  People are more open to being argumentative or vibrant in their speech manner and, with family, ready to start loud discussions or controversial topics that might never make it to the floor on another occasion.  Very interesting to watch and to see the strength of the lineage.

And family, being what it is, has many differences in both personality and lifestyle choices.  I also find that we are more tolerant of those within this unit.  We hope the best for our family but realize that no one is perfect and there is a level of tolerance that should be bottled and sold around the world.

And that fact that you are there for each other.  It might not be on a day to day basis but when the going gets tough you can always count on those individuals to unite and stand together.

My Mother's was the 7th of 8 children and before she turned 20 she had lost both her parents.  It is fascinating to watch how the siblings in that family have all banded together over the years and supported and been there for each other.  They celebrate  every year with a Brother/Sister Day just prior to Christmas.  The numbers are dwindling but they consistently get together to enjoy food and laughs.  Not so much card playing or joking is done anymore as some cannot manage it but they still enjoy the event and look forward to it every year.

So even though family cannot be there all the time they can and are there at the beginning and at the end.  They share so much more than genetics, they are linked together and nothing can tear that apart. 

To family!  The world is a better place because of them.